Optimise Your Website with Effective SEO

Most of my SEO clients prefer to be anonymous. They also prefer to keep their involvement with me under wraps too. Why? because they are seeing results from the SEO (search engine optimisation) work that I do on their website, they don’t want to share that with the world, They’ve found someone who for a very modest monthly fee has managed through simple SEO techniques and website edits to make their website their number one lead/sales generator when it was once a dead duck. Thankfully however I do have a couple of clients who are willing to let show the results of the SEO work that I do.

At this point I should point out that i’m not a magician. I know this little place on the internet would suggest that I’m a Wizard, sadly I’m not. Nor indeed am I some sort of young IT whizz kid, as previously mentioned, I’m just a regular guy from St Helens in his 40s that has learned a lot about search engine optimisation through trial and error over many years. I don’t have a degree in data mining, I don’t twirl a pencil in my hand continuously nor do I call people “dude”. I certainly wont make outlandish promises and then try to charge you silly money for trying to fulfill them.

I used to make my living in manufacturing, I needed the internet and the leads it brought me very badly. I learned SEO through years of research, probing, asking, reading, and I learned eventually how to dance with the search engines. Now I’ve retired from big business I actually get pleasure from helping other businesses learn the search engine dance and the ins and outs of internet marketing. I have clients up and down the UK from Glasgow and Edinburgh, Liverpool and Manchester and even down in Bournemouth. Most of my clients have come from referrals and word of mouth. I’m really proud of that.

SEO Case Study

This particular client is a Beauty Salon in St Helens Merseyside. The owner originally approached me for Website SEO services on a website that she had built herself using one of the cheap pay monthly web design systems that you see on the internet. This particular one was a 123-Reg package. The website had lots of pages and information that had just naturally grown over the year that she had been designing it. In fairness the client already had a healthy Facebook following and was always adding to the website. The problem was however that if someone performed a search for terms applicable to her business, the website was simply not showing up anywhere unless you actually searched for the business by name, That wasn’t ideal.

Website SEO Services St Helens MerseysideI gave the client two options, the first was to optimise her existing website using onsite and offsite SEO techniques and the second was to build her a completely new content management website which by it’s very nature would be very SEO friendly. We spoke about the pros and cons of both. The client opted for the website SEO service and within a week her website was ranking on page one for many search terms. Naturally the client seen an immediate and dramatic increase in new business. She was so thrilled with the results that she immediately asked me to design a new website as she realised that her homemade website wasn’t quite portraying the image that she wanted.

The new website was constructed over the Christmas period. Great care was taken to ensure that the old web pages that Google knew existed were redirected one by one to corresponding pages on the new website. We worked closely to get the look and feel that my client wanted and included a twitter and Facebook feed, a newsletter system and a news page. Once the website was complete I spent a couple of hours showing the already internet savvy client how to create new content, edit content and most importantly how to ensure that the new content was optimised so that it appeared high up on page one every time.

The client is absolutely thrilled with her website and the increase in business that it brings, she updates it weekly if not daily, if she’s stuck she rings or emails me. Every single post or page that she creates for her website now, either to introduce a new product or to promote an offer always makes it to the top few positions of page one within days. We’ve become good friends and it gives me a real buzz to see a local business embrace the internet and their website in such a way. You can visit the St Helens Beauty Salon here. Whilst you’re there, feel free to email Lisa and ask her for a reference.

My next client is a Blinds Company, click the link to see how I helped them get on page one of the search results through ongoing SEO and Website Content Management.

Alternatively, Take a look at my web design price guide to see how much a new website would cost

You can see some other beauty and nail websites that I’ve created and optimised below

Nail Salon St Helens

The Creative Beauty Group

Natasha Lee Beauty Blogger

Classy & Fabulous

Website SEO St Helens | SEO St Helens | SEO Merseyside | Website SEO Merseyside | SEO Liverpool